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DNS Security Services Provider in India

DNS Security Services Provider in India

DNS Security Services Provider in India

DNS Security Services Provider in India

DNS Security

How Will DNSSEC Enhance The Web?

Domain Name System (DNS) services are frequently a source of vulnerability for the enterprise, and what is DNS security has turned into a developing question for many organizations. The 2018 Global DNS Threat Report from EfficientIP, a supplier of DNS security services, discovered that more than seventy-five percent (75%) of companies were liable to a DNS attack. The worldwide average cost per DNS attack increased by 57% year-on-year, standing at $715,000.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) has DNS as a target for frequent attacks. DNS security can be easily overpowered by a simple attack, making DNS servers go offline and keeping users from finding the website, since many companies use a few DNS servers and don’t have any clue on what is DNS security.

What is DNS Security: Security Attack Risks

DNS falls into a classification of “utility protocols” that support communication on the Web. These are strong protocols that help keep traffic streaming and servers communicating and that most users don’t know exist. Protocols like the Border Gateway Protocol, Network Time Protocol, and of course DNS are critical to keeping the Internet up and running, however for the most part fall outside the domain of security teams. The administrators who do design and deal with the frameworks that run these protocols do not usually consider what is DNS security concerns natural in these protocols.

DNS Security

DNS Security

What is DNS security to them should be at the front line of each discussion about network security.  DNS attacks are more typical than most people realize and lapses in DNS security can be devastating to an organization. DNS attacks are common, yet they are not really getting the consideration they deserve.

What is DNS Security: DNS Security Extensions

Standard DNS queries open doors for DNS exploits such as DNS capturing. These attacks can divert a site’s inbound traffic to a fake duplicate of the site, gathering sensitive user information. One of the best-known approaches to secure against DNS threats is to adopt the DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) protocol.

Like many internet protocols, the DNS system was not planned in view of security and contains few design restrictions. These limitations, combined with advances in technology, have made it easy for cybercriminals to hijack a DNS lookup for malicious purposes, such as sending a user to a fake site that can distribute malware or gather individual data.

The DNSSEC are security protocols made for this issue. DNSSEC protects against attacks by digitally signing data to help guarantee its legitimacy. In order to ensure a secure lookup, the signing must occur at each level in the DNS security lookup process. This signing process is similar to someone signing a legal document with a pen; these digital signatures guarantee that data has not has not been altered.

While enhanced DNS security is favored, DNSSEC intended to be in reverse to ensure that conventional DNS lookups still resolve correctly, albeit without the added security. DNSSEC is meant to work with other security efforts like SSL/TLS as part of a holistic Internet security strategy.

What is DNS Security: The Present and the Future

An operator of a DNS zone can take further measures to secure their servers. Over-provisioning infrastructure is one simple methodology to defeat DDoS attacks.

Anycast routing is another helpful tool which can disrupt DDoS attacks. It enables various servers to share a single IP address, so regardless of whether one DNS server gets close down, there will be others up and serving. Another popular technique for securing DNS servers is a DNS firewall.

DNS resolvers can also be arranged to give security solutions for their end users. They provide features such as content filtering, which can block sites known to propagate malware and spam, and botnet protection, which blocks communication within known botnets. Many of these secured DNS resolvers are free to use and a user can change what is DNS security services applicable by changing a single setting in their local router.

In the end, what is DNS security doing is vital because a failure in DNS can render an organization totally inaccessible via the Internet. Understanding the key issues in DNS security is critical to keep up a solid security posture within an organization.

How To Stop Using DNS Agianst You?

Stopping attacks that use DNS is a major challenge. According to our Unit 42 threat research team, more than 80% of malware uses DNS to identify a command-and-control or C2 server to steal data and spread malware.

Protect your DNS traffic from millions of new malicious domains and stay ahead of advanced tactics like DNS tunneling. Our Unit 42 threat research team has identified the steps you can take to stop DNS attacks as well as understand:

• How real-world threats use DNS for C2 and data theft
• Challenges SOC teams face when addressing DNS-based malware
• New approaches to stop DNS abuse by covert adversaries

How does DNS Security work?

DNS known as Domain Name System is the wide-open opportunity for all sophisticated attackers when it comes to Cybersecurity. DNS helps connecting links to the domain name to the IP. According to the research from the leaders in the Cyber-Security domain, 80% of the malware are pushed using DNS to initiate command –and – control. This uses advanced evasion tactics like DNS tunneling or a high volume of malicious domains.

At the time of the development of the DNS, Security was no concerns taken to mind, Hackers take this loophole as an opportunity and hijack the DNS with malicious threats. DNS Security is the protocol created to lighten the problem. DNS Security (DNSSEC) protects against attacks by digitally authenticating data to help ensure its validity. In order to ensure secure transactions, authentication must happen at every level in the DNS Validation process.

What are the advantages of a DNS Security?

  • Ones you enabled the DNS Security you get to know predictive analytics of the malicious content further this can be taken care from the treat intelligence team.
  • Enabled DNS Security user gets their Domain protected against millions of malicious threats and you get a real time analytics of the threats
  • DNS Security enables your security team / personnel and fundamentally it helps them to improve or do changes in the security posture, polices to remediate security events.
  • DNS Security provides complete visibility in to your DNS Traffic
  • DNS Security Avoid insecure host-based resolvers and their maintenance

What is the importance of using DNS Security?

Attacker can easily identify vulnerability and redirect the domain name on his desired location, if DNS Security is not enabled. We all cannot imagine embarrassment of not accessing our own company website due to an attack. In many of the worst cases, online banking system gets corrupted due to the DNS attack. That’s where the importance of the DNS Security comes in to the picture. Organizations must be serious about their DNS Security.

What are types of DNS Attack?

DNS spoofing/cache poisoning: This is an attack where fraud DNS data is introduced into a DNS resolver’s cache, resulting in the resolver returning an incorrect IP address for a domain. Instead of going to the correct website, traffic can be diverted to a malicious machine or anywhere else the attacker desires; often this will be a replica of the original site used for malicious purposes such as distributing malware or collecting login information.

DNS tunnelling: This attack uses other protocols to tunnel through DNS queries and responses. Attackers can use SSH, TCP, or HTTP to pass malware or stolen information into DNS queries, undetected by most firewalls.

DNS hijacking: In DNS hijacking the attacker redirects queries to a different domain name server. This can be done either with malware or with the unauthorized modification of a DNS server. Although the result is similar to that of DNS spoofing, this is a fundamentally different attack because it targets the DNS record of the website on the nameserver, rather than a resolver’s cache.

Phantom domain attack: A phantom domain attack has a similar result to an NXDOMAIN attack on a DNS resolver. The attacker sets up a bunch of ‘phantom’ domain servers which either respond to requests very slowly or not at all. The resolver is then hit with a flood of requests to these domains and the resolver gets tied up waiting for responses, leading to slow performance and denial-of-service.

NXDOMAIN attack: This is a type of DNS flood attack where an attacker inundates a DNS server with requests, asking for records that don’t exist, in an attempt to cause a denial-of-service for legitimate traffic. This can be accomplished using sophisticated attack tools which can auto-generate unique subdomains for each request. NXDOMAIN attacks can also target a recursive resolver with the goal of filling the resolver’s cache with junk requests.

Domain lock-up attack: Bad actors orchestrate this form of attack by setting up special domains and resolvers to create TCP connections with other legitimate resolvers. When the targeted resolvers send requests, these domains send back slow streams of random packets, tying up the resolver’s resources.

Random subdomain attack: In this case, the attacker sends DNS queries for several random, non-existent subdomains of one legitimate site. The goal is to create a denial-of-service for the domain’s authoritative nameserver, making it impossible to lookup the website from the nameserver. As a side effect, the ISP serving the attacker may also be impacted, as their recursive resolver’s cache will be loaded with bad requests.

Botnet-based CPE attack: These attacks are carried out using CPE devices (Customer Premise Equipment, this is hardware given out by service providers for use by their customers, such as modems, routers, cable boxes, etc.) The attackers compromise the CPEs and the devices become part of a botnet, used to perform random subdomain attacks against one site or domain.

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Information Security - InfoSec - Cyber Security - Firewall Support Providers Company in India


What is Firewall? A Firewall is a network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on an organization's previously established security policies. At its most basic, a firewall is essentially the barrier that sits between a private internal network and the public Internet.


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